Friday, 26 May 2017

Benefits of investing in an automatic strapping machine

When there is a need to keep cartons, boxes, packages, or bundles held tightly together, an automatic strapping machine is an easy and effective solution. It accomplishes the task of tightening, dispensing, and sealing straps in a fast, smooth, and convenient manner. While the machine can be a bit expensive to purchase, it comes with a lot of benefits for your packaging, storing, and transport business in the long run and is worth the investment. Here we tell you about the benefits of investing in an automatic machine for your strapping requirements.

Achieve more work in less time

The hands-free operation of an automatic machine enables faster strapping of packages as compared to the manual process of strapping. This results in an increase in efficiency and more packages being strapped in less time. So, the automatic machine will help you to accomplish more work within a given time. 


Why choose polythene sheets for your wrapping requirements?

We all have heard the popular saying ‘looks can be deceiving’. This is perfectly true in the case of polythene sheets. Going by the look of the thin sheets, there’s no way to guess about their immense strength and versatility. These sheets may be known by various names, such as poly sheeting, polythene sheeting, polyethylene sheets, or plastic sheets, but when it comes to offering protection as wrappers, they are simply the best. Here we reveal to you the qualities that make polythene sheeting the ideal choice for your various wrapping requirements.

Durability: Whether you want to store goods in your warehouse, transport large products from one place to another, or simply ship small items, the need for durable wrapping is indisputable. Polythene sheeting is highly durable and ensures that your goods remain protected in storage and arrive safely at their destinations. 

Strength: Regardless of the product that you want to wrap, if the material of the wrapping is of low quality, you will be compromising on the protection factor. That is why it is necessary to opt for polythene sheeting. Since polythene’s properties give it high strength, you can rest assured that your goods will remain safely wrapped and protected.

Versatility: One of the essential points that need to be considered while looking for sheets to wraps your goods is the versatility of the wrapping material. Polythene sheeting is not just thin and flexible but is versatile enough to be used for wrapping different kinds of goods of varied shapes and sizes.   

Waterproof: Bad weather can create a lot of problems for your wrapped goods while they are in transit. Excessive moisture can disintegrate your packaging and damage the contents. You need to take precaution to protect your wrapped goods from the wrath of bad weather. Since polythene sheeting provides waterproof protection, it is ideal to use such sheets for your wrapping purposes.

Rip resistance: It’s vital to pay attention to the wrapping material when dispatching your goods through courier. If the package is not wrapped with a rip resistance material, chances are that it may be damaged in transit. But since polythene is rip resistant, it doesn’t tear off easily. So, using polythene sheeting is a way to ensure that your packages remain intact during the transit journey.